morningsong added 1 item to Movies I didn't like list
Male centric, all important characters men.
Women mostly decoration, around men. Represent family. When shown, shown in domestic role or as love interests. Not included in family business somehow.
Women often shown outside of knowledge of events, sometimes comedically. Ignorant of what matters.
In cases of female victimhood- shown in beginning and explicitly in sister scene. Women do not have agency to avenge. Men avenge for them and the pain of women's abuse is made their pain. Kind of progressive but also not. Shows pain of domestic abuse but main actor accused of it and yet they gave him employment. Irony.
Domestic violence scene. When she finds out he's cheating, holds knife so ineffectually.
Mother character not shown, just referenced. Only see her back up until mid of the movie. Completely patriarchal.
Movie based on plot of feuding families but no great moral seems to come of it?
Piece of patriarchal media history.
5 years, 6 months ago
morningsong added 1 item to TV diary list
Actually a really good pilot. Really well edited. But becomes bad writing and drama for drama’s sake pretty quickly.
6 years ago
6 years, 4 months ago
6 years, 5 months ago
6 years, 5 months ago
morningsong added 1 item to Movie Diary (spiel within, not spoiler free) pt.ii list
This is definitely not a good movie. It's ridiculous; really ridiculous. And yet sometimes in that joyously stupid way like when you're dancing alone in your room. Also horribly, horribly, dear god corny. But the truth is if you're willing to lean into the joyous stupidity, it's pretty enjoyable. In fact there's really nothing wrong with feel-good joyous stupidity. The thing that most bothered me was the acting and how it often felt like the actors were feeling more of the stupid than the leave-it-all-behind-and-dance kind of joy of it. But oh my god, they definitely could have gotten better writers.
This movie also has some of the worst lip syncing I have ever seen. But I left wanting to get drunk and dance to ABBA. And I kind of want to watch it again...
6 years, 6 months ago
6 years, 6 months ago
morningsong added 1 item to TV diary list
6 years, 10 months ago
morningsong added The Great Seducer (Tempted) to have watched list
6 years, 10 months ago
6 years, 10 months ago
morningsong added 1 item to Life of a shipper list
Ortega x Kovacs. Hated the show but The Host style, he wears the body of the boyfriend that was taken away from her, she wants to protect his body, knows his body and loves it, and he basically gets to be in that love for free, but she still wants her bf back and they don't know what's real.
6 years, 11 months ago